Thursday, October 8, 2009

Redwork Quilt by my Mom and I

This is one of my very favorite quilts.  It's a wallhanging that is hung on the wall behind my sewing machine.  I get to see it a lot this way!  It's made from a kit I bought years ago.  It was sitting in my project pile for a few years when my mom volunteered to do the redwork embroidery for me.  I know there are embroidery programs you can buy to do redwork these days.  But nothing is as good as the real thing -- handwork.

These are my favorite embroidered blocks:

The pinwheel blocks are adorable.  I love the 30's vintage reproduction fabrics.  I have several quilts made from these.  A reason this is one of my favorites is my mom did the embroidery!  My sewing skills were very suspect when putting the blocks together and the machine quilting was pretty rough too.  But every time I look at it I think of my mom!  Sorry about the rotation on the quilt picture, I can't seem to fix it right now and wanted to get this posted.  I'll play with it tomorrow.


  1. I just love your blog and the pictures are so great! It is fun watching you and Janice's blogs.
    Love, Aunt Mary

  2. beautiful the little frock


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