Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Craft Night at my Sister's

My mom, sister and I started a monthly craft night in September.  It all started because I love to make cards -- I've shown many of them on this blog.  I bought Mother's Day cards this year and was shocked at the cost -- $4-5 for simple cards.  So I started telling them we needed to get together one night and make a card stash.  Well, you all know how easy it is to let life get in the way!  So then I started nagging them about scheduling a night.  We had so much fun in September, it's now on our calendar each month.  Last night it was at my sister's.  She came up with a fabulous project for us.  She found the inspiration in the April/May/June issue of Somerset Life magazine.  Here is my finished project.

She bought old pictures at Goodwill Thrift Store for the frames.  The flowers are made from muslin -- this was the most labor intensive of the evening.  Not difficult, just took some time.  She found the chicken wire in the garden section of Lowe's.  The red polka dot bird is from Michael's.  The tags, crystals, and tags are from her stash around the house.

Here's a closer look of one of the corners.

Here's another look at it.  I love it.  We made these in about four hours.  We are choosing projects we can finish in an evening.  This in going in my sewing room!  We have next month's project chosen -- it will beginning to look like Christmas!

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