Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Happy New Year!

 I resolve to keep my neglected blog updated twice a week.  It seems we have been so busy this fall with many home projects which included new paint, cabinets, countertops, furniture, lighting, accessories, etc.  It's almost finished!  It's been lots of fun and the house is looking spectacular.  It really needed updating after 15 years.  I will devote some posts to the new look eventually.  Some finish work (like backsplash, ceiling patches, pictures) needs to get done before the rooms are really photo ready.

This is my first official finish of 2012.  It's Bloomin' Steps from the Scrap Therapy line of patterns.  I just love this quilt, especially the border.  My husband, Don, is already in love with this and can't wait to use it to keep him warm while watching TV in the family room.  We have a leather sectional so a quilt really helps during the winter == although it was 63 here today.

I have spent some time today on my resolutions and have a good plan in place for a new me in 2012.  I'll share throughout the year.


  1. Hi Mary! LOVE your blog! I just commented on the new DQNV blog that when we get our blog roll up and running you should allow us to add your blog!

    Again...great blog!

    Karyn Treciak-Bruck


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