Sunday, September 26, 2010

September UFO

My quilt guild has a 12-4-12 program for finishing up those UFO's we all have stashed around the house.  This is my second year of participating.  You sign up, send a picture and description of your finished UFO during 12 of 12 months.  If you keep up, you get a $25 gift certificate to the quilt shop of your choice.  It has been a fabulous motivator for me.  Some months I'm just barely making it but I've kept on top of it and won my gift certificate.  It's a great treat and helps by another backing or binding fabric.

This month's finish was a French Roses quilt.  It's made entirely from scraps leftover from a kit for the Charming Log Cabin quilt.  I also made a French Rose Buds quilt from the same scraps. 

My plan was to donate the quilt to charity.  But my daughter saw it and fell in love with it.  So it will be added to her stash.  I'm building a stash of scrap quilts for both of my girls.

Here's a close up of one of the lovely roses.

I did the machine quilting myself.  I have to practice, practice, practice.  It is a challenge for me but I know I will only improve.

These patterns are both fabulous.  Heather French is the designer.  They've been very popular at quilt shops everywhere the past few years.

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