Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fancy Bibs

It seems the days are flying by lately and I've been away from the blog again.  I've been busy making some fancy bibs -- white satin with lace, for 17 lovely young women.  They will be worn with beautiful white gowns in a couple of weeks.  They will be presenting with National Charity League.  The lovely bibs are worn during dinner so their lovely gowns stay pretty.  They are like the bibs many brides wear.  I've made about 100 of these the past five years.  I drafted a pattern from a piece of newspaper, using my daughter as a model many years ago, when she presented as a high school senior.  Here's a bib:

They are simple yet elegant.  I'll fold them nicely and wrap with lavendar tulle since this
is one of their colors.  I'll wait until next week to do that so they aren't too
wrinkled when they are unwrapped in two weeks.  Here's the pile of 17:

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