These are our family's Victorian Christmas stockings I made about 20 years ago. I can't imagine
the hours I spent on each one. They were crosstitched and will be in our family forever!
This is my husband's and is perfect for him. We go cut our Christmas tree most
years and he is the one to wield the ax and drag the tree to the truck.
This one is mine. I do love to bake but don't as much these days. All the goodies are
too tempting to have around the house!
This is our daughter, Laurie's. I made it when she was about 8 months old. It's funny I
chose this scene for her. She loved to sing in elementary and middle school! She
still has a wonderful singing voice.
And this is Emily's stocking. She was always hard to get to sleep growing up. She just had a
night owl schedule. And then she was hard to get up in the morning. I would tell her
I knew she was tired but to wake up with a smile. And she usually did.
So these are our treasured Christmas stockings. I'm sure most of you have some great
stockings with many memories attached to them.
I LOVE our stockings, Mom! No one has better stocking than ours,